Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
The Work:- Two Lights
Date:- 1926
Location:- Not known.
Subjects:- (l) The Good Shepherd. (r) Light of the World.
Inscriptions:- None.
Dedication:- Not known.
Back of the sketch has Glasby’s Kensington address overwritten with Putney.
See also Logs 9 & 11.
We are very grateful to Michael McNeely and Jack Dowling for the historical information and for the photographs of the Windows in the Pierce Chapel at Trinity Cathedral.
Photographs of the Windows at the Pierce Chapel
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director, March 2022
Photographs of the Windows at the Pierce Chapel
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director, March 2022
Photographs of the Windows at the Pierce Chapel
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director, March 2022
Photographs of the Windows at the Pierce Chapel
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director, March 2022
Photographs of the Windows at the Pierce Chapel
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director, March 2022
Photographs of the Windows at the Pierce Chapel
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director, March 2022
(C) John Collins and Erika Szyszczak August 2021