St Mark’s Church, Colney Heath, Hertfordshire.
See also log 59.
St Mark’s Church, Colney Heath, Hertfordshire.
The Work:- One window Light.
Date:- 1925.
Location:- Next to Ascension Window.
Subject:- The Good Shepherd.
Inscriptions:- None.
Dedication:- None.
Work paid for by the Bailey family.
Back of the cartoon/sketch has Glasby’s Kensington address overwritten with Putney.
See also log 59 and NW 52.
With thanks to Debbie Fulwell for data supplied during 2021.
The Ascension Window is of the same basic design as the following Logs:-
30. 88. 97. 135. 236. 268. 269. 270. 273. Although unsigned and installed in 1925 (as were the Glasby windows), it seems extremely likely it is also Glasby work
However, see note on Log 59. The dedication at the base of that window reads:-
“To the Glory of GOD and in loving memory of the Rev WILLIAM BAILEY and of MARY MARTIN BAILEY. Erected by their elder son. 1925”.
With thanks to Debbie Fulwell for data supplied during 2021.
(c) John Collins and Erika Szyszczak July 2021