These vidimus are in a small envelope with the words ARKANSAS (no.3) 4 crossed out * Clerestory Windows Sketches 11/1 to 11/8.
Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
The Work:- Four Lights
Date:- 1926
Location:- Pierce Chapel, north wall
Subjects:- An angel in each Light: Annunciation (holding a lily)
Easter (holding a banner)
Herald (Christmas Olive branch with a star in the apex)
Advent (angel blowing a trumpet)
Dedication:- Annunciation and Easter:- "In loving memory of my sister SUSAN SHEPHERD STEVENS. Entered into rest on July 18th 1909."
Herald and Advent:- "In loving memory of my brother HENRY WALKER PIERCE. Entered into rest September 2nd 1886."
Back of the cartoon/sketch has Glasby’s Kensington address overwritten with Putney.
The memorial dedication does not show the vidimus.
Glasby's name and year are not shown.
See also Logs 10 & 11.
Michael McNeely, Diocesan archivist, supplied the following information:
In 1924 Elizabeth Powell Pierce Lyman, daughter of the Cathedral’s founder, the Rt. Rev’d Henry Niles Pierce established Pierce Chapel at Trinity Cathedral.
She did not have money to pay for stained glass windows (what was in the window openings of the chapel were geometric pattern windows from about 1895-very Aesthetic Movement).
She resurrected a cold cream recipe she and her mother Nannie Heywood Sheppard Pierce had concocted in the 1890s. The cream was sold to stores in Little Rock.
This allowed Mrs. Lyman to have the money to pay for new stained glass windows in the chapel dedicated to her father’s memory. How she knew about Mr. Glasby we don’t know. The windows were put in 1926.
The window depicting Christ the Light of the World (after the Holman Hunt painting) is inscribed William T. Glasby and Sons.
An advertisement of the Windows in this Church is mentioned by Dennis Hadley, "William Glasby: a postscript" The Journal of Stained Glass 33 104 2009:
Note: These are the first sketches in the Collins' archive, starting at ~9. Logs 1-8 are missing.
These are photographs of the Windows at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
(c) Jack Dowling, Communications Director March 2022
(c) John Collins and Erika Szyszczak July 2021. Updated October 2024.