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Erika Szyszczak and John Collins

Missing Information

Finding all of William Glasby's work has eluded us. It may be that the Church no longer exists, or the commission was not accepted. We would appreciate to hear of any information that may be available, perhaps through Church and local history records.

In the 2008 Article, "The Life and Work of William Glasby (1863 - 1941), Green, Hadley and Hadley note some of the Windows, suggesting that they did exist. Hopefully we may be able to examine Donald Green's notes in the English Heritage archive and discover more about these Windows.

Donald Green (1926-2006) deposited his research on Glasby with English Heritage National Monument Record and it is referenced GND01, File 189, 10,000 slides .

and 1 photo.


17, Sleaford St Denys

54, Bulawayo St John the Baptist, Zimbabwe

55, Camberley St Paul Surrey

71, East Woldham, Church not known, Hants

86, Grantham, Church Not known, Lincs

89, Hawkhurst, St Laurence, Kent. [Green/Hadley 2008 report the church as destroyed by a flying bomb]

97, Gee Cross, Hyde Holyrinity, Cheshire [Green/Hadley 2008 report these Windows as exisiting: 2 Windows, 1925 and 1926].

127, Ovington, Church not known

128, Ovington Church not known

140, Putney All Saints, London Boro

150, Scamblesby St Martin, Lincs,

151, Seafield Park, Church not known, Hants

152, Silsoe St James, Beds

153, Silsoe St James Beds

155, Sevenhampton St Andrew Glouster

162, Swinefield St Margarets Yorks

164, Taihape, Church not known New Zealand [Green/Hadley 2008 note Tahiti, Papeete? A large Missionary Window, 1930s? - could this be the same window?]

168, Town and Church Not Known Tennessee, USA

170, Thorpe Derby

190, Wingate Holy Trinity Durham [Green/Hadley 2008 report east Window , 1923]

207, Asanol, Church Not Known, Bengal, India

218. Design Sketch Unknown

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