The history of this Cathedral can be found in a document in the Collins' archive: Order of Services and Ritual of Dedication of the Peachtree Christian Church Atlanta, GA. October 7th-14th 1928.
There is a second brochure: An Interpretation of The Sanctuary and Celerestory Windows of Peachtree Christian Church
Proclaiming God's Love 50th Anniversary April 27-May 11, 1975
The Stained Glass Windows of Peachtree Christian Church Edited by Donald S. McKelvey.
Building started on the cathedral in June 1925. Mr A.G. Rhodes was the principal benefactor, but he died on June 16, 1928, not seeing the the completion of the church.
William Glasby was commissioned to design the Chancel Window. The dedicatory brochure states:
"This window sets forth the Lordship of Christ, the three central panels being given over to picurization. the scene pictured there is that of our Lord's last interview with His disciples after His resurrection, immediately before His ascension, when He stood and said in His kingly majesty: "All authority in heaven and on earth is given unto me, Go ye, etc."
It is claimed that this scene had never been painted before and is original.
In the upper canopy is a vision of the Holy City. The full faces of John and Peter are found in the panels.
The brochure then states:
"The beautifully tender thing about this window is that it is known as "the Children's Window" and bears the inscription: "This window was given by the children, by lovers of children, and in memory of children."
It is a memory of children who have passed away. the two outside panels are guardian angels with little children in their keeping. The two inside panels are filled with children of various ages, looking adoringly and reverently up to the central figure of Jesus.
At the end of the Dedication Brochure is "In Praise of the Craftsmen".
"The Chancel Window, or, as we fondly call it, "The Children's Window" was made by MR WILLIAM GLASBY, of 12 Edwardes Square, London, England, who is said to be the finest stained-glass artist in the world, and who is to eventually have the commission for all of the windows in this Church.
We do not know why Peachtree chose Glasby for such a huge commission. We presume the original sketches and cartoons were sent to Peachtree Christian Church by Lucie Bishop in 1976.